What does "well past dark" mean?

2011-09-02 11:26 am
I saw it on page 84 in "For One More Day" by Mitch Albom.

"I cover my head and duck away. I run down the stairs and out the garage. I stay sway until well past dark."

What does "well past dark" mean?


回答 (5)

2011-09-02 12:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
it means "Deep into the night" or "well after the sun went down and it was dark".
2011-09-02 6:29 pm
It means a good amount of time past the time that it would normally get dark (sunset). So the person in the book stayed away late into the night.
2011-09-02 6:28 pm
It is referring to the the time of night when the last rays of dusk are well gone and it is totally dark outside.
2011-09-02 6:28 pm
After the twilight has definitely gone. Long after sunset.
2011-09-02 6:35 pm
The evening time or towards sunset is almost dark then later it will be dark to a certain amount and after a long time has passed say 7.30 it can be considered well past dark

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 13:47:12
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