
2011-09-03 4:10 am

回答 (2)

2011-09-03 5:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
第一段: 姓名, 年齡, 性別, 外貌, 身形
第二段: 喜好, 興趣, 長處, 短處
第三段: 居住地, 家庭
第四段: 學校
第五段: 其他 (如宗教)
參考: 自己
2011-09-04 11:52 pm
My name is Miffy.
I am XX years old.
I was born in the Mainland China.
Now I am living with my family in Hong Kong.
My family consists of five members.I have parents and two little sisters.My father is a businessman trading flora and my mother is a nurse.I am studying in XXX Secondary School.I am shy when I meet strangers. However I shall be active if we get acquainted.My hobbies are listening music, playing computer-games and shopping.However, I like shopping most.
I wish one day I would be the owner of a boutique in future.

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