去澳洲, 寄倉問題及上機流程

2011-09-02 3:21 am
你好, 我第一次搭飛機, 所以想問下個流程,
如果我早兩個鐘到機場的話? 基本上要過有咩遺禁品
比人問的話, 都夠時間順利上機吧!

個流程: 係咪先在家辨理登機手續, 之後去到機場搵番登記櫃位攪手續, 之後寄倉等等就ok?

因為想玩D類似survival camp咁, 想帶把刀去,
刀寄倉可以嗎? 同埋我有氣管毛病, 所以會帶支壓縮氣體(藥)

回答 (2)

2011-09-06 11:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Conrad, from my experience, it'll be great to check-in online first, you will get to arrange better seat or meal preference. Departure day you can check-in at the airport express station or at the airport.

about 帶把刀, depends on what kind of knife is it, plus destination country. if it considered illegal by local law, even you packed into the checked in baggage, there's a chance of examine by the custom of your destination country.

壓縮氣體 can bring along, but for limited quantities.

hope it helps, have a pleasant journey
2011-09-06 4:02 am
基本上早兩個鐘到機場已經有大把時間. 根本如果你沒帶的嚴重遺禁品(毒品),就算要check你都吾會好久.

參考: 自己

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