a) z=2y-x
b) the ratio of the speeds at D and A is (5y-3x)/(3x-y)
2. A steel sphere falls from the rest through a viscous liquid. Which the acceleration falls exponentially but not linearly?
3. A heavy rope is held stationary on a smooth table with a small portion hanging outside the table. The total length of the rope is less than the height of the table. Why the acceleration of the rope increases with time but not constant?
4. If the question says 'two particles P and Q are set to travel in a circular paths of the same radius', does it imply that P and Q have the same mass if no further info is given?
The ans is D. Why? I get T=m l w^2 (w is the angular velocity). (the solution also states this)
So why (2) and (3) is incorrect? Which parts did I get wrong?
for 2 http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6181/6102136087_9c8f143177_b.jpg why the a-t graph of the steel sphere is the 1 on the left but not on the right? the book says that equation can be proved. How? for 5, so (2) and (3) are incorrect if m, l, and w are kept unchanged?
Sorry, would u mind showing the steps of getting v = (mg/k)[ 1 - exp(-kt/m)] and a = dv/dt = g.exp(-kt/m)? I've learnt calculus but I'm still not too familiar with it.