想大家幫幫手翻譯成英文 (正式會議記錄)

2011-09-01 6:45 pm

支票號碼12345 , 收票人為 apple chan 小姐 , 該支票是由 a 公司的股東b 公司以股東身份代為支付,金額為6000元

回答 (3)

2011-09-01 9:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Payment made on behalf of A

At the request of the Board of Directors of A Co. Ltd., It was RESOLVED that the following payment be made on behalf of A:

Cheque No. Payee Amount
12345 Apple Chan $6,000.00

It was further RESOLVED that Mr. X and Y, being the directors of the Company (B) be authorized to execute the payment.

For reference only!
2011-09-01 8:54 pm

Originally company b left-left check ticket than a human, so you want to write back to a meeting recording record low b company on behalf of a corporation left a ticket than do individuals, to company b company to a shareholder (a company belonging to company b)According to the following data modification, to decently, before and after the order with no so-called!----------------------------------
Check number of 12,345, receiver for Miss Apple CHAN, the cheque is made by a shareholder of b company to shareholders for whom the payment in the amount of $ 6,000
參考: me think...
2011-09-01 6:48 pm
Things formerly left out of company B with the left check out the ticket than a person, so write back to a meeting record low B Company on behalf of Company A of the left than do individual tickets, and on the Department of Company A Company B shareholders of both (A's all belong to B's equity)
Please change the following according to the contents of the above information, to smooth, before and after the so-called order of Nuisance!

Check number 12345, the ticket collector artificial apple chan Miss, the check the company's shareholders by a shareholder on behalf of b company to pay the amount of 6,000 yuan

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:13:18
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