
2011-09-01 6:02 pm
我想問一個關於聯繫滙率嘅問題。.我每天睇新聞報告都話今日港元滙率如何如何,例如今朝佢話港元滙率係每一美元兌7.795港元。我一向都以為每一美元兌7.8港元,繫滙率嘛。請教各位這事應如何理解呢 ?謝謝
2011-08-29 12:22:52 補充 請問:
我能否以 HK$7.795 於市場購入 USD1.00
and then sell this USD1.00 to HKG government at HK$7.8
and make a profit of HK$0.005 呢?
Please ecplain reason. This is exactly what I do not understand.

回答 (1)

2011-09-03 12:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
Under the linked exchange rate regime in HK, HKD can be fluctuated within the range of HKD 7.75 to 7.85 per USD. If HKD is approaching 7.75 level (appreciation), Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) will sell HKD at strong side convertibility. Conversely, HKMA will buy HKD at 7.85 level (depreciation) on weak side convertibility. Therefore, as long as HKD moves within this range, HKMA will not intervene in the foreign exchange market. Certainly you can make profits by buying USD at 7.795 HKD per usd and selling USD at 7.8000. However, your trading amount must be very hugh so that you are worth doing it.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:12:36
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