Pisces: Is it wrong that I don't care at all?

2011-08-31 10:59 pm
I'm not your typical Pisces I guess, but this is

My parents have never been supportive of me, from the age of 7 they used to beat me and verbally abuse me - I was a neglected child. 11 years younger than one of my siblings, I've always been told that I was an accident and that they never wanted me, it's obviously true. I've never had a normal relationship with my parents, I hardly speak to my dad and do not get on with him, he always puts me down and clearly favouritizes my sister, the second child. My mum favouritizes my older brother, the first child, and I've always been left in the shadows. They never said sorry for the **** they did/said to me, locking me in the shed and **** like that, instead I had to move on with it and not even get an apology. I feel so ****, like I'm never good enough, I never used to get hugs and as a result I hate hugging people/getting close to them.

I've been through my fair share at high school in terms of school and an abusive relationship which they know nothing about. My siblings don't care, my brother is married now and has his own family and hardly texts/calls, he obviously doesn't care either. My sister now is so self absorbed, she's literally hurt my parents so much and was suicidal in recent weeks and self harmed and immediately told them - I used to self harm but I wasn't an attention seeker and never told anybody. I don't have any sympathy for her, I know it sounds messed up but I don't know if I'm a product of my life experiences which have led me to become so angry and uncaring or if it's something else. Despite the **** she's done and is about to do, they worship the ground she walks on. I don't care and just think it's pathetic because when I starved myself from depression and was cutting myself I didn't tell my parents and be an attention seeker.

My family is just so ****** up and is so seperated, my brother is on very bad terms with my parents and doesn't speak at all to my sister. I feel like I don't have anyone and just resent them all.

My ex and I split up a year ago and we were in a very tumultuous relationship for 4 and a half years, I loved her a lot and she was the only person I could ever talk to and be open but she betrayed me and cheated on me and couldn't stop so we parted. I just feel like I don't care anymore, I've become a very sarcastic, unemotional person who just feels alone. Half the time I don't know what I think about, my mind is just blank, and I'm so aggrivated right now... what do I do?

回答 (4)

2011-08-31 11:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am sorry for all the you have gone through. Just because parents have children in no way means that they will care for them properly. I too am the middle child, and we middle children are always trying to please our parents as the focus is often on the first child, and the middle child is often neglected emotionally, which sounds like this happened to you. I wasn't ever treated with the abuse near to what you have endures. Little children's brains are very receptive and the total confusion that you went through has left its mark on you.

As a Pisces, you need to regain your spirit, your nature, your right to be who you want to be. Don't let the awful behavior of your family take you down to rock bottom. I have been there and I learned that just when you think you have hit rock bottom, there is always a "lower" rock bottom.

Counseling might be helpful to you. Often just "venting" our anger is very healthy to do. If you cannot afford a counselor, there are counselors at school that are available to students to help them learn coping skills. You just need to get back to where you can "feel" and share emotions with others. Don't isolate yourself as that is very unhealthy for you. You were a victim but now you need to see yourself as a survivor.

Please talk to someone and get this our of your system. Some people spend their whole life waiting for an apology from their parents and they never get one. So stop thinking that you will get an apology. You probably won't.

Make plans for your future. Are you considering going to college or getting some kind of specialization? By dong this you will be able to have an income that will allow you to get out of that house. Because that is what you truly need...Distance. Good luck to you and bless you too. You'll make it. Many successful people come from highly dysfunctional homes. Use that anger to help you succeed in life as that is the best revenge ever. Being a success. Best wishes to you my "kindred spirit."
參考: Been There Survived You Will Too!
2011-09-01 8:39 am
I just read all of that, and I can honestly say, my heart truly goes out to you. I know there is more to what you've typed and I know you've been through way more than you deserve. It's obvious that you aren't an attention seeker or looking for pity - you feel alone, lost, and like you can't really relate to anyone (nor do you really want to at this point), am I right?

No, it isn't wrong that you don't care, because deep down, I know you care. There's a little string inside of everyone - when it's tugged on at the right time and place, it'll make you care. What you've developed is a shell. You've been through all this trauma that the "average" human hasn't gone through. Of course we've all had our hardships and our troubles, but some people end up committing suicide or numbing themselves with drugs or alcohol or something else addictive and distracting.

Your shell protects you from opening up to others - emotionally, spiritually, anything. You even said you don't like to give/get hugs because you never received them growing up. That really hurts me. I can't fathom a child growing up without the affection and love that every single child deserves. It truly pains me. Your shell is a hardened shell, with the layers of your past and your emotions and angst and grief and pain, and it protects you (somewhat) from future things like that. I think it's safe to say (and easy to understand) that you are afraid of opening up to anyone else only to have your past repeated, if not having something worse happen to you. It's almost like you're suspicious of humanity, you might be a bit paranoid too. But you aren't wrong in feeling that way, believe me, and there is help out there.

However, I'm not a licensed psychologist and I can't really offer that kind of help, but I can offer the comfort and support of an "internet" friendship. Anytime you need someone, know that I am here and free to listen and offer advice.

Don't lose hope, Pisces. I know your heart and soul are more experienced and weathered than other humans, and I know you feel alone and misunderstood, but you aren't.
參考: Understanding Leo
2011-09-01 6:21 am
first, im sorry bout all thats happened to u. i hope u can move on & be a stronger person. not caring is one way to go but it will only get u this far.try & take one step at a time to address the problem.
參考: scorpio girl
2011-09-01 7:23 am
You sound like a typical Pisces. They are the baby of the zodiac - so still a little naive, often have a tough time, get treated badly and get taken advantage of. When this happens they tend to get depressed, bitter and twisted and can get quite nasty with others. It is a means of self defense. Far rather strive to find practical ways of improving your life. This is always a struggle for Pisces, but worth working at. When a Pisces puts some practicality into their life, and ignores the thorns life has thrown at them, their life can change to be quite spectacularly wonderful - no one can enjoy themselves quite like a Pisces!

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