Why do parents have their favourites and why does my family not care?

2011-08-31 10:49 pm
My parents have never been supportive of me, from the age of 7 they used to beat me and verbally abuse me - I was a neglected child. 11 years younger than one of my siblings, I've always been told that I was an accident and that they never wanted me, it's obviously true. I've never had a normal relationship with my parents, I hardly speak to my dad and do not get on with him, he always puts me down and clearly favouritizes my sister, the second child. My mum favouritizes my older brother, the first child, and I've always been left in the shadows. I feel so ****, like I'm never good enough, I never used to get hugs and as a result I hate hugging people/getting close to them.

I've been through my fair share at high school in terms of school and an abusive relationship which they know nothing about. My siblings don't care, my brother is married now and has his own family and hardly texts/calls, he obviously doesn't care either. My sister now is so self absorbed, she's literally hurt my parents so much and was suicidal in recent weeks and self harmed and immediately told them - I used to self harm but I wasn't an attention seeker and never told anybody. I don't have any sympathy for her, I know it sounds messed up but I don't know if I'm a product of my life experiences which have led me to become so angry and uncaring or if it's something else. Despite the **** she's done and is about to do, they worship the ground she walks on.

My family is just so ****** up and is so seperated, my brother is on very bad terms with my parents and doesn't speak at all to my sister. I feel like I don't have anyone and just resent them all.

回答 (3)

2011-08-31 11:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I understand it all, believe me. My family's the same way. My parents absolutely cherish my siblings, but when it comes to me, they could care less. They say and do some of the most hurtful things constantly....I understand the need of not wanting to get close to people. I did that for a while, too....But you've got to let someone in. A friend, maybe? You can't hold back....As for your family...Your sister needs to be helped, but it doesn't have to be you who gives it. Honestly, I wouldn't either....However, you could try to talk to your brother and sister and work it out. It's not their fault that your parents treated you that way. If not, then let them go. As in, forget they exist. It's what I did(sort of). Sound heartless? It was the only way for me, but YOU could try to work things out and reason. I'd tell you to talk it out with your parents, but I'm sure that's not the best idea. It's your decision to make-whether you want them to be a part of your life or not....One thing you've got to do is let someone in and lean on them a bit. It's not so bad, I promise....And just so you know, you ARE good enough. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise- not even yourself....Take care...
2011-09-01 6:26 am
I can empathize with you there sounds like my life growing up. I dont do the hugging thing either. I felt exactly like you did but when i reallised that no matter what i done or how i tried it would not stop i had to not let it get to me anymore because i did not deserve it and they were the ones with the problem not me. im different from my family not in a weird way but a good way and it sounds like you are too and thats the problem with them they wont like the fact that you are a better person than they are. When people treat you bad for no reason its mostly out of jealousy. And not having any sympathy for your sis isnt messed up you have obviously just had enough. Dont let them bring you down anymore. maybe talking to a counciller will help.
2011-09-01 6:20 am

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