do you think george W Bush , he need to responsible for economic recession and disordered Lraq ?

2011-08-31 7:44 pm

回答 (9)

2011-08-31 8:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
As a scientist, I estimate that 85--90% of the fault lies with Bush era right-wing
unrealists. There is zero need for us to be wasting trillions in Iraq;
the extremists' unrealistic attacks
on Social Security and the republican reaganomics-caused depression--
it's exactly theirs; and even now the puritanic 85% right-wing corporate
press are lying to the American people about
what was, is and can be to prevent liberal reform based on
individual rights not CEO salary enhancement; one corporation has handed Rick
Perry, a Medieval-minded second-rater half a billion dollars.
We need to ask ourselves what these people really want--because it
isn't jobs program, a safety net for the victims of their
ideas or any other rights-based regulatory reform,
Thanks for asking.
You deserve a star--wish it could be four or five!
參考: Kevin Phillips Wealth in America
2011-08-31 8:25 pm
GWB started a war in Iraq on the false pretense of wmds, w/o an exit plan, w/o approval f/ the UN on the heels of Saddams assassination attempt on his father. Then he forced democracy on a country that didn't ask for it. If you can find a redeeming quality in the equation I'd like to debate it.
GWB was the worst President in my life time and I don't vote dem ... I'm a 3rd party advocate.
GWB inherited an economy that was so good, he gave surplus money back to the taxpayers. By the time he left office, unemployment had nearly doubled and America was setting a new record debt every day. He started 3 wars (incl. terrorism) and he signed every spending bill to cross his desk.
When he was (thankfully) at the end of his 2nd term and could no longer harm our country, the rep candidate (McCain) did not want his support. This is unprecedented in American politics history. Then America elected the first President w/ black heritage by a VERY wide margin.
2011-08-31 10:28 pm
yes i do . but republicans always take credit for the good but never take blame for the bad .they are grand masters at this game. and the people believe them .
2011-08-31 8:46 pm
Not Bush. The Republican party is responsible.
2011-08-31 7:47 pm
There was NO need for this country to be in Iraq.
2011-08-31 7:49 pm
I think partially but I also think part of the blame should go to the people who voted him in to office twice.Its easy to point the finger but many factors are involved the blame cant be placed in any one place.
2011-08-31 7:54 pm
i totally agree that bush is responsible for the recession and this terrible war that has killed so many innocent people. notice none of his or the other conservatives families are over there
2011-08-31 7:51 pm
judging by your grammer im assuming you arent american, so keep your nose out of our personal affairs, and go **** yourself.
2016-05-15 6:52 am
First, I think that there is enough blame to pass around for a lot of people. Bush did not veto any spending bill passed by congress until his last two years. So the ramped government spending on his watch is definitely his fault, although the fault also lies in the congress for passing such enormous budgets and spending bills in the first place. The current crisis however has its roots in the sub prime loan market. A market created by Jimmy Carter and expanded by Bill Clinton. The two largest players in this market are Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac. Both of them were given exemptions from over sight by Democratic Congresses. Unfortunately, some republicans are guilty of supporting these entities also. By and large however both these entities were and are even now being protected by the Democrats in congress. Many of the mortgage securities that have brought about the banking and credit crisis are products of these entities. They got away with it because of the lack of oversight granted them by the Democrats. That said anyone who got a subprime loan is guilty as well. I’ve purchased a home I’ve gone through the process, and you know how much your interest rate is going to before you sign. And unless you’re a complete moron, you know if you can afford the house you are trying to buy, you know if you can afford the mortgage payments. If you bought a house you knew or even suspected you could not afford this economic mess is in part your fault too. Most American live with too much debt, and yes I’m guilty of that too. I could play the victim and say the Big Bad Credit Card Co. tricked me and they should have known better the to give me a card. But no one forced me to use credit, no one forced any of us to use credit. I should have known better, in truth deep down I think I did. Is Bush to blame, yes in part but so are a lot of others. Including Obama, Chris Dodd, Harry Reid, and many many others. Bush nor anyone in goverment controls the price of gass. That is controled by supply and demand and by the oil producers. In a free market ( and the US still has a free market) the goverment does not control and should not control prices. Carter and Clinton inacted laws that over the course of time has brought us the this crisis. The Democrats in congress have consistently blocked any attemped at regulating or revising these laws and the institutions that they created.

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