Who he is !? Who is he!?

2011-09-01 5:17 am
Who he is !? Who is he!?
i want to know which question is correct.
if both are correct , what is the different between them.
thx alot!

回答 (4)

2011-09-01 10:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Who is he? (question)

Who he is! (interjection)


We all know who he is, a selfish person.我們都知他的為人,他是一個自私的人。
2011-09-01 11:04 pm
I want to know who he is ! written or spoken English

Who is he? written or spoken English

Who he is ! = only for spoken English. Proper Written English see the other two sentences above.
2011-09-01 6:56 pm
Who is he? (question)

Who he is! (interjection)
2011-09-01 5:43 am
其實呢個問題同Who are you和Who you are一樣!


當然係Who is he?因為呢個係直接問句
eg:Who is he?

但Who he is只係一句吾完整既問句,但兩個既meaning係相同,要用complete sentence黎描述
eg:I don't know who he is.

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