why are there still dumb//es who keep asking whats outside the universe. Do they never bother reading ANYTHING?

2011-08-30 11:33 am

回答 (15)

2011-08-30 3:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
They are not "dumb//es" who keep asking this question but they are for sure who don't think of it..
2011-08-30 11:39 am
But why are you wasting your '5' precious points in asking this question.
2011-08-30 2:23 pm
If you do not know or understand something, the best thing to do is ask someone who does. No one should ever be criticized for wanting to expand their knowledge. The point is, on such a subject, few people know where to look for the information and asking here is as good as anywhere, at least as a starting point. Do you know so much you never have to ask a question?.
2011-08-30 11:54 am
Well, that is what others felt when you asked them in the past.
I guess your future child will ask the same question.
2011-08-30 3:19 pm
Yahoo answers is here to answer questions. About any question can be looked up on the internet. Have you ever asked a question? Were you ever ignorant on a certain subject? Your question makes you look like the dummy.
2011-08-30 3:38 pm
Not 'dumb', actually quite reasonable.
Our little 'four space + accessories' must be regarded as a 'bubble'
in an unknown more complex continuum.
Just not answerable.
2011-08-30 2:13 pm
No one really knows, thats why. It is all theory so it is foolish to believe everything a scientist says. We can only see so far with telescopes so to assume something is why people believed the sun revolved around the flat earth.
2016-08-23 12:01 pm
You're single aren't you? I hope one day you mature enough to know that people learn by asking questions. Clearly you haven't figured that out, but maybe one day you will. Stop being such a jerk. If you have a problem with people then stay locked away from everyone. Do society a favor and keep yourself out of it. The world needs less ignorant people like you.
2011-08-31 8:01 am
the frame of reference that we exist in,time,space,gravity,matter, dark matter,antimatter,,
is the stove lid/lens that obscures what,if anything,lay on the other side,/outside of the universe
we are left with our imaginations as a guide,,,,,,that dummies would be curious about this
is commendable
2011-08-30 7:21 pm
They are too stupid to do a search on Yahoo!Answers (asked over 2400 times), let alone Google.

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