
2011-08-31 6:37 am
一首TO MY PAL既詩中

1) may you live a thousand years

2)through this vale of tears

3)and may i live a thousand too , a thousand less a day
後句.. 一千少一日?

4)hear that you had passed away


here is to you,mypal
may you live a thousand years
just for cheering things
through this vale of tears
and may i live a thousand too ,a thousand less a day
for i would hate to be on earth and hear that you had passed away

now i lay me down to sleep , in my little bed
if i should die before i wake how woll i know i'm dead?

days may come
and days may go
but where they come from , i don't know

回答 (1)

2011-09-01 9:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) may you live a thousand years
may you 解作「願你」、「祝你」。
May you live a thousand years 的意譯是「祝願你活到一千歲。」
2) through this vale of tears
vale of tears 一般譯作「涕泣之谷」,意思是悲傷的世界。
through this vale of tears 的「through」字可簡單譯作「在」。
3) and may I live a thousand too, a thousand less a day 這句要和下一句一齊解釋。
and may I live a thousand too, a thousand less a day 的意譯是「祝願我自己也能活得長久,還有一天便到一千歲。」
for I would hate to be on earth and hear that you had passed away的意譯是「因為我不希望在我有生之年收到你離開人世的消息。」
to be on earth 的意譯是「生存在世上」。
you had passed away的意譯是「你已經死去 」。
( 作者祝願好友活到一千歲,而他祇祝願自己活到還有一天才到一千歲,意思是他希望比好友早一天逝世,因為作者不想在他有生之年收到好友離開人世的消息。)
here is to you, my pal我的朋友,請聽我細訴:
may you live a thousand years祝願你活到一千歲,
just for cheering things
through this vale of tears好讓你能為這個充滿悲傷的世界,帶來歡欣和鼓舞。
and may i live a thousand too, a thousand less a day
for I would hate to be on earth and hear that you had passed away
now I lay me down to sleep, in my little bed
if I should die before I wake how would I know I'm dead?
days may come
and days may go
but where they come from, I don't know但我卻不知道它們來自何方。

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