
2011-08-31 4:43 am
With nine players in the squad having accumulated more than 50 test caps and three others closing in on the milestone,Henry will be able to combine experience with youthful exuberance.

Outside backs Isaia Toeava having had little rugby under their belts this years

解答非常好.可以麻煩解答我一些題外話嗎 你是怎樣看得懂test caps , closing in on the milestone,under their belts的意思 我查了字典也看不懂,是不是有什麼方法或是經驗?

回答 (2)

2011-08-31 5:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
With nine players in the squad having accumulated more than 50 test caps and three others closing in on the milestone,Henry will be able to combine experience with youthful exuberance.
在隊裏有九名球員都聚集了多於50場參賽經驗(test caps),另外三名也正在接近這個標的,Henry(教練)將能夠把球員們的實戰經驗與年輕的活力相結合.

Outside backs Isaia Toeava having had little rugby under their belts this years
(此處this year可能多了一個s,否則是these years,如此則翻為這幾年)
under one's belt: "某人的成就"的意思.


2011-08-30 22:57:26 補充:
test cap:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caps_(sport)

closing in: 正接近,快到達,片語.


2011-08-30 22:57:32 補充:
Under one's belt:某人的成就
under one's belt
a. (of food or drink) in one's stomach
b. in one's possession
c. as part of one's experience he had a linguistics degree under his belt

參考: jim
2016-03-04 8:08 am
how about milestone date?

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