Survey: What is your biggest pet peeve?

2011-08-30 2:55 am

回答 (21)

2011-08-30 2:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
People who abuse their spouse - husband/wife, children and pets.
2011-08-30 9:57 am
When someone walks out of my room without closing the door.
2011-08-30 9:57 am

2011-08-30 10:09 am
peolpe that spell things that should start with a C, with a K. Such as, kool.
2011-08-30 10:00 am
When people make unnecessary mouth noises while eating.
2011-08-30 9:59 am
people walking on their hands, upside down.
2011-08-30 9:57 am
people staring wtf you looking at wanna piece of me tough guy eh?
2011-08-30 9:56 am
When people don't reset the microwave.
2011-08-30 9:58 am
When people use annoying grammar such as "l1k3". That really peeves me off. People need to learn how to spell, because spelling like that is just stupid.
2011-08-30 9:57 am
Dirty wooden/linoleum floors. Especially wen u wear socks n can c the dirt on the bottom of them from the floor
2011-08-30 9:57 am
my sister -_-
2011-08-30 9:56 am
my little brother. what else?
2011-08-30 9:56 am
Arrogant People.
2011-08-30 9:58 am
I have 2-
leaving the seat up....guys stop doing this! If there is a woman in the house put the freaking seat down. Not only does it show manners but etiquette also.

#2 is interrupting someone when there talking is just rude.
2011-08-30 9:57 am
The mystery behind the odd looking brown marks in my underwear.
2011-08-30 10:20 am
Rude people, and I have a huge pet peeve, that I have completely forgotten.... oh Ignorant people and when don't say thank you or no problem when you thank them ... so bad manners I guess.
2011-08-30 10:01 am
definitely bad hygiene. i know it's not a traditional pet peeve, like nail-biting or twitching, but there ya go. people with bad hygiene irritate the sh*t out of me. especially when i'm forced to be around them - like in class or on the bus. and i'm aware that some of those people have bad home lives and it's not realistic for them to have good hygiene, but most of those people can totally have good hygiene if they wanted to. like really - it's not hard to brush your teeth, shower, and use deodorant. people want to throw up when you're sitting their smelling like rotten eggs, your teeth are bright yellow and your breath smells like a sewer, and you have greasy hair/dandruff. gross.
2011-08-30 9:59 am
DIRTY FLOORS! Full of nasty food crumbs and dirt, and animal hair >:O

And even worse, how it gets on YOUR FEET!

Even more worse- PEOPLE DON'T CARE AND DON'T SWEEP OR WIPE THEIR FEET OFF, and crawl into bed with that nasty ****. EW.
2011-08-30 9:59 am
people that yawn without covering their gaping hole of a mouth - do they really think we want to see their rotten teeth and scummy gums? yuck! bloody looks like blackwall tunnel as my old lady used to say.
2011-08-30 9:56 am
sex is of the devil
2011-08-30 10:00 am
MY PET PEEVE IS: That obama is pres, in Afghan, We are losing soldiers, Al Queda is not destroyed,
Osama Bin Laden was not tortured before he died, AND THAT ONE OF MY CLASSMATES IS GAY.

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