Why is Beauty Therapy percieved as a brainless job?

2011-08-29 10:59 pm
It is an extremly hard course

回答 (5)

2011-08-30 3:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
There will always be someone in your world to criticize what you do and what you choose.

The field, therapy and study of beauty is becoming increasingly popular but is not historically an academic field; it is a vocational technology.

You can't get a Bachelor's or a Master's Degree in haircare for instance, but you can get a certificate or a license in the vocation.
2011-08-29 11:03 pm
how hard can it be to file fingernails and apply fake tan to someone? lol
2016-02-28 1:25 pm
Beautiful brains
2011-08-30 1:13 am
i know what you mean. you have to study anatomy, physiology and perhaps microbiology. it is a great course and well in demand. anyone that thinks it's brainless, are not too educated and may i say ignorant?? hey, i'm not in that career field, but know enough on what is involved. the best of luck to you.
參考: you go girl and don't ever let opinions break your spirit.
2011-08-30 1:00 am
I don't think it's a brainless job. You have to know something about skin and hair and nails. You can't just start plucking or hot waxings someones upper lip when you do not know how the hair grows back and deals with it being ripped out like that. That's why special oils are used to soothe the skin after the traumatic pull of them. And you can't just start plucking someones lip until hot water is applied or something similar to open the pores.

There is a lot to know, and it's interesting, but it's no top mark university level. Still, I would never call it a brainless job, like I would never degrade a dustbin man or women. Everyone has their place in this world, and someone needs to do the bins and give the people their Big Macs. Granted that without Beauty Therapy the world wouldn't be living in their own sh!t like if the bins were left for months and months and piling out all over the street with new garbage, but you still have to know how different colour compliment different skin tones with makeup, how to blend....Did you know that you can change a hell of a lot by using makeup? Giving illusions of a narrower nose and higher-cheekbones and all sorts of stuff.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 22:44:48
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