
2011-08-30 3:45 am
1.she often __________(swim) last summer.

2.at that time i _________________(read) a novel.

3.I often ____________(sleep) while i was listening to the music.

4.the teacher ____________________(punish) a boy when i came into the room.

回答 (3)

2011-08-30 9:23 pm

tense1.she often ____swam ______(swim) last summer.

2.at that time i ______have read ___________(read) a novel.

3.I often ______slept ______(sleep) while i was listening to the music.

4.the teacher _________was punlishing ___________(punish) a boy when i came into the room.
Hope I can help you ^v^
2011-08-30 4:52 am
1. swam
2. was reading
3. slept
4. was punishing
2011-08-30 4:01 am
1. swam
2. have read
3. slept
4. was punishing

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