有關中文譯英文嘅問題:) [15 points]

2011-08-29 6:55 am
The Utsunomiya Line(宇都宮線) is running between Ueno Station(上野駅) and Kuroiso Station(黑磯駅), now the latest route data is just stop at Kurihashi Station(栗橋駅) from Ueno Station(上野駅), but the author(那須野) is planning to extend the route to Oyama Station(小山駅).

中文原意:宇都宮線行走於上野站至黑磯站, 現在最新的路線檔案只行走於上野站至栗橋站, 但作者(那須野)正在計劃將路線(檔案)延伸至小山站。

如果sentences有咩問題, 麻煩各位可唔可以幫小弟修改一下呢?唔該晒

回答 (2)

2011-08-29 7:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
The Utsunomiya Line(宇都宮線) runs between Ueno Station(上野駅) and Kuroiso Station(黑磯駅), the latest route runs between Kurihashi Station(栗橋駅) and Ueno Station(上野駅), but the author(那須野) is planning to extend the route to Oyama Station(小山駅).

用runs 因為呢個係fact 所以用present tense ~
如果有latest 就唔使用now ~因為意思重覆~

參考: myself
2011-08-29 7:11 am
Utsunomiya Line Ueno Station to walk on the dark Angeles station, and now the latest line of the file only to walk in the Ueno Station to Chestnut Bridge station, but the authors (Nasuno) is planning to route (file) extended to the hill station.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 01:04:03
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