
2011-08-29 2:52 am
Learning English throught Short Stories

You wake up one morning and are shocked to find that fifty years have passed and it is now the year 2060. It turns out that you have travelled forward in time.

Write a story that describes, for example how you found out you had travelled in time,how you felt about the changes around you.You can also include your own ideas.

(300 words)

can help me!!

回答 (2)

2011-08-29 4:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
After the final examination,I received a letter from my uncle and aunt who invited me to stay with them fora fortnight. They live in the countryside near a beautiful mountain. The newsbrought me a restless night. Next morning, after almost aday's ride on the bus I reached their home and I was kindly received by them.They prepared a very nice and airy room for me, just coming inside, on a smalltable I found a vase of roses----my favorite flower.I thinked them for their kindness. When they left me to take a rest, Ireally could not do it. My attention was taken away by the charming andpicturesque scenery outside the window. If I were an artist, I would have drawna wonderful picture of it.
Every morning we took a walk in theneighboring hills where we could enjoy the fresh air and sweet songs by thebirds. We gathered wild flowers here and there among the bushes, I found itfull of fun.
In the afternoon, I mostly sent my timereading and writing, for I was shut in the house by the terrible heat. Theevening was shut in the house by the terrible heat. The evening was the onlytime we could go to swim together. I improved my swimming greatly during thosetwo weeks.
Though the fortnight passed away atlightening speed, the memory of it will last forever

參考: 自己
2011-08-29 5:13 am
So I don't know what level you are, but I just randomly write it so i hope it still helps. But I actually think the creativity is limited cuz 50 years arent very long to have much different things. But still.

Just like any other morning, I wake up to the Eminem song that I found so annoying and made the alarm music. "It should be another boring day." I murmurs as I approach the bathroom. Just as I step through the bathroom door, I see someone else in the mirror, instead of my reflection. Am I dreaming? Is it a ghost? Well she looks far uglier then a female ghost should look. I step back. She step back. I try to raise my left hand. She raises her right hand. It turns out that she is MY reflection. It is completely horrific, but I don't think she is all that ugly now. In fact, she is quite pretty!

Now what? Everything feels too realistic, it is not possible to be a dream. And, call me foolish, it did hurt when I pinched myself. I take a glance at the boring dark-blue calendar of LOK Limited hanging on my wall. It must be one of those business companies that doesn't understand art. But what quickly catch my attention is, today is 23 August 2060. It is my birthday - my 60th birthday.

At the moment, I am almost positive that I have travelled forward in time. And I did age. I go to the living room and see my mum, 85-year-old, full of wrinkles, sitting there in the couch. She smiles at me, "good morning sweetheart, go eat your breakfast, I've prepared eggs benedict!" To this point, I almost burst into tears. I can't believe I am stilling living in mum's place and having her prepare breakfast for me after all these years. I can't believe I'm still having just eggs for breakfast, instead of some luxurious hotel brunches that the successful business woman I'm supposed to be should be having. Although all these seem reasonable because I barely take any heed in class, just like yesterday, or should I say, 50 years ago.

2011-08-28 21:21:55 補充:
參考: , sent u the rest

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