ENG 翻譯(20點)

2011-08-27 12:58 am
1.what is the name of the distributor of this movie?
2. film critics覺得呢個movie劇情曲折不夠,但畫功細緻得嘆為觀止
要竭盡己能凡實現我既 夢想
4.我最唔鍾意mother gothel.因為佢好自私.為左可以永遠年輕.竟然didnt share
the sun's gift同其他人

回答 (3)

2011-08-27 6:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. distributor經銷商/批發商(I have seen Ranpunzel too, the distributor of it is Disney)

2.The film critics think that the plot of this movie is not intricate enough, but the drawings were so detailed that made me amazed.

3.I like Ranpunzel, because she tried very hard to make her dream come true. I appreciate her very much. She always reminds me to strive to realize my dream.

4.The charactor I dislike the most is mother gothel. It is because she is very selfish. In order to keep herself young forever, she even didn't share the sun's gift to others.
參考: myself
2011-08-28 4:52 am
1. distributor經銷商/批發商(I have seen Ranpunzel too, the distributor of it is Disney)

2.The film critics think that the plot of this movie is not intricate enough, but the drawings were so detailed that made me amazed.

3.I like Ranpunzel, because she tried very hard to make her dream come true. I appreciate her very much. She always reminds me to strive to realize my dream.

4.The charactor I dislike the most is mother gothel. It is because she is very selfish. In order to keep herself young forever, she even didn't share the sun's gift to others.
參考: me
2011-08-27 9:28 pm
1. distributor經銷商/批發商(I have seen Ranpunzel too, the distributor of it is Disney)

2.The film critics think that the plot of this movie is not intricate enough, but the drawings were so detailed that made me amazed.

3.I like Ranpunzel, because she tried very hard to make her dream come true. I appreciate her very much. She always reminds me to strive to realize my dream.

4.The charactor I dislike the most is mother gothel. It is because she is very selfish. In order to keep herself young forever, she even didn't share the sun's gift to others.

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