ashame / shame

2011-08-26 2:39 am
用作adj.既時候, 兩者分別在於?

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2011-08-26 3:55 am
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ashame / shame用作adj.既時候, 兩者分別在於?

(1) ashamed (adj)
ashamed of something/ somebody=.因本人或某人明知故犯的行為而感到慚愧
e.g. She was ashamed of her behaviour at the party.
His daughter looked such a mess that he was ashamed of her.
ashamed to do something = unwilling to do something because of shame or embarassment.因慚愧而不情願
e..g I am ashamed to say that I lied to her.
I cried at the end and I am not ashamed to admit that.

(2) shame (n) = the feeling you have when you feel guilty and embarassed because you or someone who is close to you have done something wrong.
e.g To her shame ,(= it made her feel ashamed) she gained back all the weight she had lost.
shame can also be in used in the following expression:
shame on you = you should be ashamed of yourself.
shame on him = he should be ashamed of himself
= somebody should feel ashamed for something they have said or done
(責備時說)= (某人) 真丟臉; 不知害臊

(3) shameful (adj ) that should make you feel ashamed of =可恥的, 丟臉的=disgraceful;
e.g shameful behaviour
e.g It is shameful the way some people treat their pets.

ashamed, shame and shameful although belonging to different parts of speech can be used in different situations to describe the same thing. Care must be exercised when they are used.

2011-08-25 19:57:54 補充:
Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
2011-08-26 2:52 am
您好,我是 lop****** ,高興能解答您的問題。




ashame 是一個極少被使用的 verb , 解作「使羞愧」, ashamed 才是 adj. , for example :

There is nothing to be ashamed of .

至於 shame , 是一個 noun or verb , 解作「羞愧」(noun)、「羞愧感」(noun) 或解作「使感到羞愧」(verb),也不是 adj. , shameful 就是 adj. ( 可恥的 ) , for example :

It was shameful of them to surrender.

ashamed 同 shameful 的分別是 ashamed 用於人,指因做了錯事、壞事或傻事等而感到羞愧。而shameful 是指人或人的行為本身不光彩、不道德。
參考: Hope I Can Help You ^_^ ( From website + me )
2011-08-26 2:54 am
"shame" is a verb or noun, can't be used as an adjective.

"ashame" should be spelled as "ashamed", it is an adjective.

eg. the boy is ashamed of having told a lie.

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