F4 Chemistry (Bond polarity)

2011-08-25 11:36 pm
1.Define allotropes
2. Suggest and explain how you would differentiate two sample of black powder, one of buckminsterfullerene and the other of graphite by a physical method.
3.Explain why the F-P-F bond angle in a PF^(3) molecule is smaller than the Cl-P-Cl bond angle in a PCl ^(3) molecule.

THX a lot~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Yes ~~~


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回答 (3)

2011-08-26 6:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Alltropes are different forms of a same element.

2. Buckminsterfullere cannot conduct electricity while graphite can conduct electricity

3. The electronegativity of F is greater than Cl. hence F-P bond is more polar than Cl-P bond. THe bond pair of electron is further away to P in F-P bond than Cl-P bond, Cl-P has a stronger bond pair-bond pair replusion.
2011-08-28 2:56 am
I'd suggest repulsion between large-sized chlorine atom.

2011-08-27 18:56:59 補充:
also, C60 actually can conduct electricity!
2011-08-26 5:59 am

2011-08-26 21:22:35 補充:

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