有冇一D類似 反斗英語的實用英文

2011-08-25 4:02 am




回答 (3)

2011-08-25 10:34 am
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It is raining cats and dogs. = 傾盆大雨 ~ spoken English.

Play a game of cats and mouse with = 愚弄, 忽冷忽熱, 對某人時好時壞

Like a cat on hot bricks = 緊張,像熱鍋上的螞蟻; 坐立不安, 如坐針毯

Let the cat out of the bag = (無意) 洩漏秘密, 露出馬腳

Going to the dogs = 每況愈下 (組織,公司), 大不如前

It’s dog eat dog = 殘酷無情的競爭; 自相殘殺;狗咬狗骨 (no 's" in "eat")

It’s a dog’s life = 苦難憂慮的生活

Treat someone like a dog = 把某人不當人看待, 有如豬狗
參考: Longman English Dictionary
2011-08-29 6:21 pm
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2011-08-26 1:30 am
The book above/below may suit your need. "CNN 主播教你老外最常用的英文片語" 。Go to the bookshop and take a look at it. It has 338 pages and costs HK$118.

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