
2011-08-25 3:54 am
閣下可憑此信及會員証往本會指定牙科診所享用口腔保健檢查及洗牙服務乙次。 注意事項: 1. 此信之有效日期為此會員之會員証到期日。2. 敬請致電本會熱線代為預約此項服務。3. 使用此劵時必須出示閣下有效之健道會會員証及身份證明文件,以便核對身份。4. 此信必須由本會簽署及蓋章方為有效,影印本無效。

thank you!

回答 (5)

2011-08-25 5:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
google translate:
You can by virtue of the letter and membership card to the designated dental clinics will enjoy the oral health examination and scaling service once only.


1. the effective date of this letter to members this membership card expiration date.

2. Please call our booking hotline on behalf of the service.

3. Use this coupon must be presented when your valid membership card and health channel identification, for identification.

4. This letter must be signed and sealed by the valid, invalid copies.

me+google+bing translate:

You can go to the designated dental clinics to enjoy the oral health examination and wash service once by virtue of this letter and membership card.


1. The effective date of this letter is the same with the due date of this membership card.

2. Please call our hotline on behalf of the booking service.

3. You should present your valid membership card and identity documents for identification.

4. This letter must be signed and sealed by this council when used, photocopies are invalid.
參考: myself
2011-08-29 6:19 pm
This printed letter together with your membership card are required for accessing to the appointed dental clinic regarding its healthy examinations and service of the oral cavity and the cleaning of teeth respectively for one time only.
1. The valid day of this letter must be complied with that of the membership card;
2. Please booking the service ahead by making use of the hotline phone nos.of the healthy club;
3. In order to check and certify the identity of your membership, it is necessary to provide your valid healthy membership card together with your other identities while using this letter for such services;
4.This letter must be signed and stamped by the healthy club prior to usage.

2011-08-29 10:23:30 補充:
Additions to 4. and any other photostated copy of this letter is not applicable.
2011-08-25 6:39 pm
You can by virtue of the letter and membership card to the designated dental clinics will enjoy the oral health examination and scaling service once only.


1 the effective date of this letter to members this membership card expiration date.

2. Please call our booking hotline on behalf of the service.

3. Use this coupon must be presented when your valid membership card and health channel identification, for identification.

4. This letter must be signed and sealed by the valid, invalid copies.
2011-08-25 8:13 am
You can, with this letter and your membership card to the designated dental clinic access to oral health care dental check and wash service. Notes:1. Effective date of this letter to members of the due date for membership card.2. Please call hotline booking this service.3. The use of the health of his Excellency Juan must produce valid road membership cards and identity documents in order to check identity.4. This letter must be signed and sealed by the Association shall be valid, copy is not valid.
參考: bing
2011-08-25 4:19 am

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