
2011-08-24 4:50 pm
我琴日收到你寄黎果兩支 hair spray,但我收到既時候,你地入住兩支hair spray個盒以經濕晒,我打開個盒,發現其中一支個樽蓋係[zoon]左既,漏晒d hair spray出黎,咁我以家應該點做?

回答 (5)

2011-08-24 10:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Date xxxx

TO: xxxx

ATTN: xxxxx

Dear xxxx

I received the two bottles of hair spray yesterday. The packing box was already wet when it arrived. When I opened the box, I noticed that the cap of one bottle came loose and the hair spray has completely leaked out. Please kindly advise if I should return the empty bottle for replacement.

Thanks and look forward to having your prompt reply.

Yours sincerely,
2011-08-24 11:06 pm
Yesterday, I received two bottles of hair spray sent by you. The box holding the hair spray was all wet when I received it. I found one of the bottle caps was loosened and the liquid inside had spilt all over. What should I do now?

2011-08-24 15:07:24 補充:
Dear xxxx

Yours sincerely,
參考: me
2011-08-24 5:32 pm
Yesterday, I received two bottles of hair spray sent by you. The box holding the hair spray was all wet when I received it. I found one of the bottle caps was loosened and the liquid inside had spilt all over. What should I do now?
2011-08-24 5:25 pm
I received two hair spray which yesterday you mailed, but I received, your that two hair spray box already soaked, I turned on that box, discovered also a back lid was zoon is left, leaked some hair spray to come out, how then I should do now?
2011-08-24 5:12 pm
Yesterday, I received the two cans of hair spray which you sent to me, and I noted that the box containing the hair spray was wet. When the box is opened I found that one of the cans leaked because its cap was not tightly closed.

Please advise what follow action shall I take.

2011-08-24 10:14:33 補充:
..........."action shall I take." should be .........."action I shall take"

2011-08-24 10:17:04 補充:
"Please advise what follow action shall I take." should be "Please advise what follow up action I shall take."

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