
2011-08-24 4:05 am
想問下一條wire 入面...
咪會有個e-field provided 既...
咁f=qE..d e- in wire 就會有個力applied
但點解個speed 5係constant既???
5係要係drift velocity 個magnitude一樣戈陣先用得???

回答 (1)

2011-08-24 4:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
Upon the action of an applied electric field, electrons in a conducting wire accelerate and pick up speed. But there are collisions between the accelerated electrons and the atoms of the wire. Kinetic energy from the electrons is then transferred to the atoms and make them vibrate more virgorously. Since vigorous vibration of atoms contributes to heat, this is the reason why electric current can heat up the conducting wire.

After collision with the atoms, electrons lose their kinetic energy and slow down. The applied electric field then accelerates the electrons, and the whole process is repeated again.

Thus, electrons in the wire is undergoing repeated acceleration, collision, and acceleration... and so on and so forth.

In the equation: i = naqv
v is the mean drift velocity. It represents the average velocity of the "acceleration-collision" process of the electrons.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 17:40:35
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