safeguard / protect / guard

2011-08-22 11:12 pm
safeguard / protect / guard
用作動詞既話, 三個有咩分別?

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2011-09-01 5:10 pm
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使用 protect, guard 或 safeguard 要看 object是什麼.

safeguard 的 object多數是 abstract noun, 用 safeguard 牽涉 law, regulation, contract, agreement etc.

用哪一個字有時要看subject是什麼. 如果是人, soldiers, police, security guard 看守, 尤其戒備深嚴, 多數用 guard.

這個字”protect” 是比較普遍用.

protect - (防衛,保護) to keep someone or something safe from harm, damage, or illness.

protect something/someone against something/someone
protect something/someone from something/someone

Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.
The government wants to protect the environment.
Eating healthily helps to protect against many diseases.
guard - (看守, 守衛, 保衛) to protect a person, place, or object from attack or danger by staying near them and watching them

guard something/someone against something
guard against something
guard against doing something

Police officers guarded the entrance to the building.
He is guarded by armed men.
Nurses should guard against becoming attached to their patients. (不能用protect, safeguard)

safeguard - (保衛,保護) to protect something important, such as people’s rights, interests, jobs, health etc from loss, harm or damage.

safeguard something against something

The deal will safeguard 200 jobs at the factory.
Laws should do more to safeguard the rights of victims.

有時 protect and guard can be used interchangeably.有時不能
~ a closely guarded secret.

參考: Longman English Dictionary

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