Hp完哂..仲可唔可以寫信比Emma Watson

2011-08-22 12:35 pm
宜家哈利波特完哂 我仲有無機會寫信比Emma Watson?寄去邊?仲有我係未寫過信比佢..有啲咩要準備?我想佢回信...回郵地址寫係邊?

回答 (2)

2011-08-31 4:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
u can actually go to her official website

I'm not sure if we could write her a letter as a fan,but u could still go there and check out her latest status in order to get to know more about emma watson:)

click 'message' at the bottom of the web,it's a little platform for the fans around the world express their opinions and they leave tons of compliements to emma

hope u can get ur wish=]

P.S .I loveeeee Emma tooooo,she's sooo stunningly gorgeous!

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