
2011-08-21 5:37 pm

回答 (3)

2011-08-23 9:22 pm
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I am not telling you whether it is good or bad to grow papaya trees or what the best way to grow it is. You can make your own decision afterwards. As far as I know that papaya trees should not be over one's door is something that villagers have long practised and is related to fung shui and spirits. We grew a papaya tree in front of the house a few months ago, but when it grew as tall as the front door, some villagers in the neighbourhood requested us to cut it down. They said it is bad for fung shui and probably inviting to evil spirits. At first I objected to their request but it seems to be their long tradition and practice. As nobody wants the fung shui to be affected and nobody wants to invite bad spirits, the tree was cut down afterwards. I can see many papaya trees grow wildly around the village but no villagers have papaya trees around their houses. If you are not living in a village nobody will intervene your growing the papaya trees.
2011-08-28 5:21 am


2011-08-22 4:08 am
沒有聽過這種傳說或禁忌。如果有的話, 也是有一定道理的。

在自然環境下生長的植物, 是會一直長高, 直至它們的葉片可以得到充分的陽光為止。木瓜樹是可以長高到2-3m 的 。
人類栽種的果樹, 就會用人工方法, 如剪去頂芽, 讓果樹到了一定的高度就不能繼續長高,

一方面不想植物的 養分 供應它長高的方面, 多用來結果 。
另一方面使植物多生橫枝 ,結多些果實
而最大的好處 是方便人們容易採摘果實

因為如果果樹長得很高, 棵棵果樹都要擔長梯去採摘果子 , 就會浪費時間, 同時容易發生意外 。
現在果農種的木瓜樹多數控制在80-100cm , 比門楣矮得多了。如果你種的木瓜樹除了想它結果 之外, 還想它美化環境 , 是可以繼續讓它長高的 。

中國古時有很多所謂禁忌, 其實是有科學根據的, 如說孕婦不能做什麼什麼, 其實是保護她們不易染病同不易受傷的。

木瓜樹的修剪, 很專業的:

2011-08-24 19:17:18 補充:
我相信就算是有關風水, 原意都是為了保護住戶或小孩在採摘木瓜時不會產生危險。如果是別家的小孩就更麻煩。

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