Gulliver's Travel 中翻英 20點

2011-08-20 7:03 pm
另一次出航,他在的船上缺水,就上一未知的島與找水,格列佛也有上岸,但他沒跟其他船員一起走,所以船員遺留他離開了,他被留在那邊 ,後來被一大人國的農夫找到,就帶他去表演.國王知道後,便把格列佛買到宮中.有次他去海邊,照顧他的人稍不留意,它就被老鷹抓走了,後來老鷹放他在海上漂流,被一艘船發現並帶他回家.

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2011-08-20 9:02 pm
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Gulliver's Travels (Travels 才對,因為有四個國度)
大人國 = Brobdingnag 是原文發明的名稱

In another trip, Gullliver and some crew members are forced to land on an unknown island to look for fresh water. Somehow, when the crew go back to the ship, Gulliver is left behind. The place is Brobdingnag, a country of giant people. Later, a farmer of Brobdingnag picks up Gullliver. He treats him as a curiosity and exhibits him for money. Then the Queen sees the show and likes Gulliver very much, so she brings him to court and keeps him as a favorite. However, later, when they go to the seaside, the servants are carelss, so Gulliver is snatched away by an eagle. The eagle leaves him floating on the sea. Then a ship happens to come his way and takes him home.

2011-08-20 11:14 pm
Another time departs, he on the ship water scarcity, a previous unknown island with looks for the water, Gulliver also has comes ashore, but he has not walked together with other crews, therefore the crew left behind him to leave, that side he is kept, afterward country's farmers is found by an adult, led him to perform. After king knows, then buys Gulliver in the palace. Has him to go to the seashore, looks after him the person not to pay attention slightly, it has been seized by the eagle, afterward the eagle put him in marine to wander, is discovered and leads him by a ship to go home.
2011-08-20 10:27 pm
On one of his sailings, he was on the ship that ran out of water. Then the ship's crew got on an unknown island for prospecting water resources. Frank also got on it either but he did not stick to the crew. So he was left on the island after the crew departure. Then, he was caught by a Brobdingnagian farmer to compel him to be a performer. When the king was aware of his presence, he bought Frank back to the palace. One day, while Frank went fishing near the shore, he was clawed away by the eagle out of his care taker's sight. After that, the eagle dropped him down to the ocean. He was drifting in the ocean until a ship discovered him and took him home.

2011-08-20 14:30:15 補充:
please replace Frank with Gulliver

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