Why do Russians seem so tough?

2011-08-18 10:18 pm
I'm not trying to stereotype, i actually want to be Russian, but thats impossible, but everytime i see a picture of a Russian guy he usually has muscles and a mean looking face. i just feel like you dont want to mess with them. and they seem so badass...

回答 (7)

2011-08-18 10:29 pm
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For starters it is a great observation,
However, it is important to understand that there is a lot of culture
behind the looks and traits that people have.
For example Russia is a very extreme country that involves strong
willed people so in order to be russian you would generally have to be
a tough individual and this works for both guys and girls.
By extremes, i mean just look at the weather. The weather involves long
and harsh winters and hot and steamy summer. That's just the weather.

Culture-wise, there is allot of alcohol and masculinity when it comes to men
this would make them bigger and tougher males in general.
Not only that but a lot of it comes from previous times.
The culture still has roots from when the soviet union was in progress.
During much of that regime, the young lads were to enroll into the army
at a very young age. The army would define these kids and make them
grow up as tough soldiers that endure a lot. Generally, this would encourage
the boys to work out and be strong so that they could hold their own.

Maybe you should consider befriending and maybe even dating a Russian
to find out more about them. Hope I've Helped.
2011-08-18 10:35 pm
Bc Russia owes its existence to its ppL being super-tough: 20,000,000 killed there [no typo] in WW2, yet they gutted Hitler's huge Eastern Army there [The Battle of Stalingrad], broke Nazi morale, drove to Berlin, leveled it, and captured Eastern Europe.
2011-08-18 10:24 pm
Different country, totally different personalities and demeanor....I made the same observation....:)
2011-08-18 10:18 pm
2011-08-18 10:22 pm
The winters, the difficult life, genetics, all sorts of reasons. I don't like them.
2016-10-19 2:22 pm
The chilly conflict replaced right into a conflict of ideology that pitted Soviet Russia against the U. S. for fantastically much 60 years. a number of that ideology continues to be nicely-common, yet is lessening. i'm decrease than no circumstances attempting to excuse it, basically clarify it as you look blind to the history at the back of this approach. that's unlucky, however the vestiges of a conflict that lasted so long are going to take time to get rid of. that's interesting to notice that besides the certainty that the two sides participated in propaganda wars, the Soviet's propaganda replaced into pushed down from the government, and the U. S. propaganda replaced into greater or much less entrenched commonly media. Judging by using the consequences, it style of feels the Soviet's government propaganda replaced into much less enduring/effectual (possibly because of the fact no person bought it in the 1st place) then the media propaganda of the U. S.. possibly there is a few thing to be pronounced for keeping violent video games/video clips out of the palms of young infants.
2011-08-18 10:19 pm
Because of Rocky IV of course. Not to mention Rambo III.

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