Anniversary question!?

2011-08-18 7:19 pm
So me and my boyfriend's anniversary is on the 31st. However there is no 31st in November, February, etc. So when do we have our anniversary in those months ??

Thank You in advance.

回答 (6)

2011-08-18 7:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Anniversaries are nor recognized monthly. An anniversary happens only once a year. For example, If you got together on August 31 of last year, than Your anniversary is August 31 every year.
2011-08-19 2:24 am
An anniversary is celebrated yearly, not monthly. "Anni-" is Latin for year.
2011-08-19 2:26 am
Anniversary (noun): the yearly recurrence of the date of a past event.

Yearly, not monthly. If you feel the need to reward yourselves for making it through another month, it's not worth staying together. Celebrate it once a year. It keeps the date special.
2011-08-19 2:23 am
You don't have to celebrate it every month. If you keep celebrating it every month it wont be as special when it gets to your, lets say, year anniversary, for example.
2011-08-19 2:28 am
Just do it on the last day of the month.
2011-08-19 2:29 am
Wow! I'll be the Devil's Advocate to the first two Negative Nancys and say good for you! You know how to keep the spark alive and keep things fun. To hell with those that spurn your idea! Celebrate on the 31st when there is one. Otherwise just use the last day of the month or skip it all together and spend more on the next 31st that comes up. Have fun, keep the spark alive! It is absolutely necessary!

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:24:21
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