Subject of an infinitive?

2011-08-18 3:47 pm
I come across the sentence below,

"It was good OF him to buy all the food and drink"

Should it be...

""It was good FOR him to buy all the food and drink"

As I know, if an infinitive has its own subject, the "infinitive subject: is introduced by "for". (

Is there any exception? Can I use "of" instead of "for"?

Thanks a million.

回答 (1)

2011-08-18 3:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"Good of" and "good for" mean two different things.

"It was good OF him to buy all the food and drink" - it was a really kind thing that he did.

"It was good FOR him to walk to work" - it was healthy and beneficial for him to do so.

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