
2011-08-19 7:56 am
我去過馬會網又搵唔到?有咩途徑?? 好想入去做

回答 (2)

2011-08-19 8:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
睇下有冇fd識依個type ge人..
參考: ME
2011-08-19 9:12 pm

物業部 設施服務員 (沙田)  ( Ref: JFSAtt(ST) ) 有關部門本會物業部負責監察馬會的產業管理、物業管理、計劃及建築管理,以及合約行政工作。工作性質負責沙田馬場之騎師更衣室的清潔和服務。工作時間: 早上六時四十五分至下午三時正,須於賽馬日工作及輪班當值。入職要求具備清潔及相關工作經驗。略懂一般英語將獲優先考慮。僱用條款受聘者將獲兩年合約,並於合約屆滿時,按表現及當時之運作需要考慮續約。如有興趣成為我們一份子,請即致電 2966 7467 預約面試或將履歷遞交本會人事部。截止申請日期二零一一年八月十九日

Waiter/Waitress (Happy Valley Clubhouse) ( Ref: JW(HVCH) ) The DepartmentOur Catering Department manages one of the largest and most diverse catering operations in Hong Kong. We provide a wide range of catering, sports and recreation facilities for Members and their guests in three Clubhouses. In addition, both Happy Valley and Sha Tin Racecourses have numerous catering facilities used by Members, non-members and corporate organisations for a variety of functions.The JobYou will:work in Western restaurant of Happy Valley Clubhouse.You should have:1 year relevant experience in Western restaurant, clubs or hotels.Terms of EmploymentClosing DateClosing date for applications is 31 August 2011. Only shortlisted candidate will be notified.

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