英文字詞~~ (填充) 10分

2011-08-19 6:19 am
Complete questions below. There is one word missing from each sentence.The first letter of the word is given to you as a clue.

1. The government p_____ the refugees with food and clothes.
2. We knew nothing about her e______ that she was a widow.
3. She has a t_______ knowledge of Spanish.
4. It was rude of you to i______ the speaker.
5. He wondered whether his son was p_______ in his studies.
6. She says she is fond of eating meat which is l______.
7. My parents are contemplating s______ in Canada.
8. Who i______ the telephone? ( 係咪「接聽」或者「撥打」?? )

回答 (4)

2011-08-19 7:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. The government provided the refugees with food and clothes.
2. We knew nothing about her except that she was a widow.
3. She has a thorough knowledge of Spanish.
4. It was rude of you to interrupt the speaker.
5. He wondered whether his son was progressing in his studies.
6. She says she is fond of eating meat which is lean.
7. My parents are contemplating settlement in Canada.
8. Who invented the telephone? ( 發明 )
參考: @@****@@
2011-09-14 12:42 am
石破天驚 既解答都好好!!
仲解答埋我第2 part既問題=)
2011-08-19 3:02 pm
1.provide; 2. everything; 3. total; 4. interrupt; 5. poor; 6. lean; 7. settled; invented;
2011-08-19 9:26 am
1. The government provides the refugees with food and clothes.
2. We knew nothing about her except that she was a widow.
3. She has a thorough knowledge of Spanish.
4. It was rude of you to interrupt the speaker.
5. He wondered whether his son was progressing in his studies.
6. She says she is fond of eating meat which is lean.
7. My parents are contemplating staying in Canada.
8. Who invented the telephone?

2011-08-25 19:38:58 補充:
forgery 偽造物, 贗品
alibi 不在犯罪現場的證明
libel 誹謗

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