來回機票問題(jetstar and tiger)

2011-08-18 10:44 pm
分別買左jetstar airway既來回 hk-singabore
同埋tiger airway既來回singabore-au
我已經辦好了去au 既visa

1.由singabore去au 需要另辦簽證or什麼?
3.singabore只有1個機場?要不要到了singabore後再去另1個機場check in?
4.全都是在櫃檯check in or website check in? 要$$?
5.我只買了15kg 行李,現在整理行李時,發現需要加重到20kg ,可以怎?


回答 (2)

2011-08-19 12:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I assume au means Australia.

1. If you are a holder of HKSAR Passport, only ETA is needed.

If you hold BN(O) Passport, a eVisitor visa is needed.

2. Yes - unless you intend to get out Changi.

3. Singapore has more than 1 airport. But in your case, you will be stuck in Changi for both flights (Changi is the only major commercial airport in Singapore).

4. If you can, check-in online.

5. Contact the airlines and see what your options are.

6. The worst case is you miss connection. But you should be fine with 4 hours of transfer time. Also, second worst case is Tiger get ground by Australian government again.

2011-08-20 02:01:08 補充:
1. No.

2. Currently, Tiger's suspension has been lifted. Jetstar was never impacted.

3. Check-in online can guarantee that it will be the cheapest option (even they may be free).

4. The website does not specify. But since you have checked luggage, they should be able to waive it.

2011-08-20 02:01:24 補充:
(But still check in online before going to the airport).

2011-08-22 00:29:09 補充:
1. Maybe (That's why I told you to check in online first).

2. Currently no - but not guaranteed in the future.

3. Still yes.
2011-08-19 10:12 pm
雖然你買左2機票. 但其實你係由香港去澳洲 ka ma. right? 咁如果你係揸特區護照的話. 只做 AU visa ok. 往新台幣既港人, 不嬲都唔使 visa 的.4小時應該足夠. 我上次係新加坡轉機往英國. 得 90分鐘都 ok. 不過我係坐星航 lor. 新台幣係得一個機場. 但有 3個 terminal ka wor. 你睇下你降落及起飛是否同一個 terminal la. 機票上應有註明. 香港都有 2個 terminal la. Terminal 1 及 Terminal 2.就算你 online check in 左. 係機場櫃台都要再 check in 的因要寄行李及對 visa + passport 有冇效先 ka ma.睇番你張機票上的行李限重. 一般經濟位都會比 20kg. 但你住個 D 係 budget airlines. 故可能冇 15kg karrr....... 如飛機 delay, 佢實唔會賠償比你或比係後補另一班機 lor.

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