加拿大入學問題--- 急~

2011-08-18 5:05 pm
HI~ 我係加拿大公民,岩岩讀完F5 就去RICHMOND讀書,
(1) 佢地入學前有個ESL TEST,我想問係考D咩野呢?
(2) ESL 係咪會影響簡ELECTIVE ?
(3) 香港有讀BIO PHY (6X分到) ,佢會唔會俾你讀落去?
(4) 一但完成唔到ESL 入唔到大學,有得重讀Grand12?

回答 (2)

2011-08-18 5:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) comprehension, grammar, writing. Basically to test your standard and proficiency of English.

2) No, it only depends on the availability and time schedule of the school you are going to register. You always can talk to your school councelor to discuss about your electives.

3) Your choice of subjects is independent of what you had taken in Hong Kong.
It is subject to the graduation requirement instead, that is, whether you have the total credits required. You have to check whether you are eligible for BIO & PHY 12, cause there is also BIO & PHY 11 at grade 11.

4) You don't have to repeat grade 12. You can upgrade your English separately, or you can take LPI, TOFEL or request for English assessment at the institution you chose.

Don't worry, there's a lot of choices for you. Even you cannot get to University in the first place, you can still go into college for University Transfer course. It's the same.

2011-08-18 09:51:54 補充:
For your 2nd questions, if you are asking about college or University electives, it will then a problem. Yet, you can still have other alternatives, like talking an upgrade class.

2011-08-18 09:52:35 補充:
*it will then be a problem
2011-08-22 9:58 am
1) ESL 有5個grade~~~
5係最高,唔駛上ESL class,其他grade都要~~

2) 如果你ESL level 5 就唔駛上ESL class, 其他都要~~~
我冇記錯ge level 4 要上一堂, level 3 要上2堂~~
(2 日有8堂, 睇你level 決定上幾多堂, 其他elective)

3) 我個人經驗
姐係話佢好大機會要你讀多一年, 低一個grade~~
要佢比個test 你做~~~
之後睇你得唔得入唔入得返你應該讀ge grade~~~

係睇你english 12 個個成績~~~
仲有可能TOEFL 同 LPI~~
咁當然repeat 都得啦~~

有問題EMAIL 我~~~
[email protected]

參考: 過來人~~~希望你唔好浪費時間~~~ =]

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