advise...+ infinitive

2011-08-18 9:58 am
I advise you to finish the paper right away.
I advise you finishing the paper right away.

另外一般而言 advise...+ infinitive 和 advise...+ gerund 有何分別?

回答 (3)

2011-08-19 4:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
advise (from Oxford dictionary)
- advise somebody to do something: ( 動詞+受詞+有to 的不定式)
e.g. Police are advising people to stay at home.
- advise doing something: (動詞 + v-ing)
e.g. I'd advise buying your tickets well in advance if you want to travel in August.

但一般沒有這種句法: 動詞+受詞+v-ing

According to the dictionary, "I advise you to finish the paper right away" is the correct structure commonly used.

So, you won't say "I advise you finishing the paper right away".

But, you can say "I advise finishing your paper right away". It is equivalent to say "I advise (you) that you finish the paper right away".
2011-08-19 5:55 am
意思一樣,不過第一個是用 to-infinitive ,而第二個是用 gerund 。

to- infinitive 是用 to 將兩個 verb 分開
E.g. I like to play computer games.

而 gerund 則是將另一個 verb 加 ing ,看起來像變成 noun
E.g. I like eating an apple.

應該是這樣了! 希望可以幫到你。
2011-08-18 7:57 pm
Grammar 無錯﹐但係聽落去既感覺唔同﹐兩句字意一樣

1.stop smoking
2.stop to smoke


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