✔ 最佳答案
1. 本公司有保留更改及刪除服務條款內容的權利。We (Our company) reserve the rights to amend and delete the terms of services.
2. 每一個人都響應使用環保照明。Everyone supports the use of green lighting.
3. 倘若交貨當天是懸掛黑色暴雨或八號風球以上的話,本公司會延一天送貨。If Black Rainstorm Warning is issued or Typhoon Signal Number 8 or higher is hoisted on the day of delivery, we shall defer the delivery for one day.
4. 貴公司在本公司的帳戶已經啟動,並能享有以下的福利:Your (company's) account with us (our company) has been activated, which is also entitled to (eligible for) the following benefits:
5. 這次來函特意通知閣下,貴公司在本公司的帳戶已經啟動,並能享有以下的福利:
This letter serves to inform you that your account with us has been activated, which is also eligible for the following benefits:
6. 在本公司沒有戶口的公司或人士,亦能享有此優惠。
Companies or individuals, not having accounts with our company, can also enjoy this offer.