
2011-08-18 1:56 am


回答 (2)

2011-08-18 10:45 am
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WUM 版主您好: 你想要中國長江的中英文介紹,其實不難,但是你需要多深入的體材,就必須自己整理與對照了,茲將其中英文網站的資料,附於下列,並舉第一段為例,你再自己取捨,需要多少資料: 長江(古稱江、大江等)位於中國境內,全長6,380公里(參見:長江長度計算),可能有4500萬年歷史。發源於中國青海省唐古拉山各拉丹東雪山的姜根迪如冰川中,是中國、亞洲第一和世界第三大河流,其長度僅次於尼羅河及亞馬遜河,超過地球半徑。長江年徑流量近1萬億立方米,佔全中國河流年徑流量的三分之一,同時也是世界第三大流量河流,僅次於亞馬遜河,及剛果河。從源頭青海各拉丹東到湖北宜昌是為長江的上游流域;從宜昌到江西湖口則是長江的中游流域;湖口到上海的長江入海口,是為長江之下游流域。 The Yangtze, Yangzi or Cháng Jiāng , is the longest river in Asia, and the third-longest in the world.It flows for 6,418 kilometres (3,988 mi) from the glaciers on the TibetanPlateau in Qinghai eastward across southwest, central and eastern China beforeemptying into the East China Sea at Shanghai. It is also one of the biggestrivers by discharge volume in the world. The Yangtze drains one-fifth ofChina's land area and its river basin is home to one-third of China'spopulation. Along with the Yellow River, the Yangtze is the most importantriver in the history, culture and economy of China. The prosperous YangtzeRiver Delta generates as much as 20% of China's GDP. The river is an importantphysical and cultural dividing line between North and South China. Chineseliving north of the Yangtze speak varying dialects of Mandarin. Most of theprovinces south of the river have native Sinitic languages that areunintelligible to Mandarin-speakers. The Yangtze River flows through a widearray of ecosystems and is itself habitat to several endemic and endangeredspecies including the Yangtze River dolphin (now extinct), Chinese alligator,and the Yangtze sturgeon. For thousands of years, man has used the river forwater, irrigation, sanitation, transportation, industry, boundary-marking andwar.

2011-08-18 02:45:25 補充:
The Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River is the largest hydro-electric power station in the world.In recent years, the river has suffered from industrial pollution, agricultural run-off, siltation, and loss of wetland and lakes, which exacerbates seasonal flooding.

2011-08-18 02:45:31 補充:
Some sections of the river are now protected as nature reserves. A stretch of the Yangtze flowing through deep gorges in western Yunnan is part of the Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

2011-08-18 02:45:58 補充:
2011-08-19 5:56 am
英美基本上都是 Yangtze River 或 the Yangtze,即揚子江的音譯,雖然大陸官方推出普通話譯法的 Chang Jiang(長江),不過英美普遍並不跟著採用。
長江上游稱金沙江,不過英美都是使用 Yangtze River 或 the Yangtze,不過跟隨中式的一河多種命名。

美國官方的 CIA Factbook 資料:


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