
2011-08-17 3:42 am
香港的學制是334,英國是523,我明年中四,到英留學(10年),不讀 IB課程的話如何銜接香港的大學?

回答 (3)

2011-08-17 9:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你果個(10年)係咩意思? 你10年去英國, 定係你想去英國讀10年?

2011-08-17 13:00:25 補充:
halo,我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫 =

1)香港的學制是334,英國是523,我明年中四,到英留學(10年),不讀 IB課程的話如何銜接香港的大學?

>> 如果你係係英國讀YEAR 10既話, 你係會係英國考佢既gcse, 即係佢地既會考既, 咁呢, 你之後就可以再上, 一係讀ib, 一係讀gce, 如果學校可以揀gce 既, 咁你可以揀4個subjects, 讀完考完as 同a2 呢, 咁就可以用佢呢個成績黎apply hk 既大學了, 如果你唔想讀gce 既話, 可以讀ib, 咁就係唔係計grade (gce 係計grade 既), 而ib 就係計分既.

>> 之後呢, 你可以用gce 既成績去apply hk 既大學, through non-jupas 既, 不過呢一d 呢, 都係要去到你f.7 [[i.e 你yr 13]] 先可以apply 既.

>> 好多大學既yr 1 course 都係foundation 既, 所以如果你係gce 係讀science既話呢, 都冇問題既, 因為呢, 佢好多都係可以有個foundation 俾你讀左先既, 所以呢, 假設你係讀science 既, 佢第一個term 都會有一d basic 既野教番你先俾你上, 唔會話跟唔到, 有一d 朋友, 大學係讀science 既, apply hk 既law 都會有人accept, 唔會話catch up 唔到既:)

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的 =]
參考: 多年uk留學exp :)
2011-08-20 1:08 pm
;|| ; 揀學校>>戀咁嚟 <<英國殘舊大學,玩人內幕 ( ~ 香港天主教式) afterstudying so hard, go through a couple of degree course, then a catholic university bullying -- isthe biggest OBSTACLE in thelife of a hard working geniusdoyou think a religiousoriented university will really be KIND tooverseas studentspeoplegot their education andvalues , from secnodary school education and work place how about a indian based university -- england is notfull of white people, but about 20% or more are indian-- worse than DELIAschool in hong kongthethings that the university said, it is biased and unlike me and my secondaryschool value -- more like catholic vs christianity dothey have their own culture too -- esp if theylike victimisation using old values to understand the modernworld英國殘舊大學,設備陳舊 玩人內幕 英國城市大學---得個城市名 >> click >> http://tiny.cc/rfrlu
2011-08-17 4:47 am

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