
2011-08-17 2:55 am
在萬聖節裹,妙鼠城的店都神秘被盜了!所有與萬聖節的道具、服飾及南瓜都被盜.有一封古怪的來信邀請妙鼠城的鼠民參加在萬聖節.那晚裹有一個神秘萬聖節嘉年華,一切免費 .可是竟然被小丑鼠鎖在了神秘公園裏.史奎克和謝利連摩發現了,原來小丑鼠把他們關在神秘公園裏,是為了洗劫整個妙鼠城.為了能戰勝小丑鼠,謝利連摩和史奎克聯合打敗小丑鼠,救出鼠民,成功地阻止了小丑鼠的陰謀。但是最後小丑鼠逃跑了,可是他己經受到了懲罰是永遠孤獨. 我認為這本書令人滿意,因為這本書故事內容很精彩. 我感到這本書內容起因有趣,經過內容緊張,結尾內容完美.

回答 (3)

2011-08-17 2:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Wrapped in Halloween, the city's shops are wonderful mysterious rat was stolen! All Halloween props, costumes and pumpkins are
Pirates there a strange letter inviting the city's rat rat wonderful people to participate in Halloween. Halloween night wrapped in a mystery
Carnival, all free of charge. But is now being locked in a mysterious clown mice park. Shikui Ke and Shelly even found the Mount, the original clown mouse put them in mysterious park is wonderful for the whole rat looted the city. In order to overcome clown mouse, Shelley defeated even the joint friction and Shi Kuike clown mouse, rat rescue people, succeeded in preventing rat clown conspiracy. But in the end the clown mouse escaped, but he has been punished is never lonely.

I think this book is satisfactory, because the story of this book is very exciting.

I think this book is an interesting cause, after the contents of tension, at the end of the content perfectly.
2011-08-17 5:05 am


2011-08-17 4:28 am
我自己譯的, 不靠GOOGLE
Many shops was stolen under mysteries in rat's city. All Halloween props, costumes and pumpkins were also stole too.
There a strange letter was inviting the rats,they were lived in rat's city on Halloween day. On that day there had a mysterie's Carnival and it is free charge for everyone.
But they were locked in a park by clown mice . Shikui Ke and Shelly knew that they all locked by clown mouse.Because the clown mice want to steal the whole city. In order to overcome clown mouse, Shelley and Shi Kuike fighted down the clown mouse and stop rat rescue people, succee to stop clown mouse's conspiracy. And saved all rats in the park.But in the end the clown mouse escaped, even he has been punished and will be never alone.

I think this book is satisfactory, because it is very exciting indeed.

I think this book is an interesting ,exciting and had a perfectly happy ending .

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:10:14
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