岩岩睇完一本英文小說,發現書後面有一個list,係寫哂本小說內容出現過既所有idioms 我淨係識係字面解 唔sure個意思岩唔岩 所以想請大家幫幫手指點下 我唔
係要全部答哂 但求愈多愈好:D
- Kid in a candy shop- Get out of the wrong side ofbed- Rotten to the core- Sour grapes- Strike a deal- Finger-licking good- Down in the dumps- A leopard can’t change its spot- Two heads are better than one- You can’t teach an old dog newtricks- It never rains, but it pours- Put your thinking camp on- Knock on wood- His jaw dropped- Free as bird- Green with envy- Don’t let the bedbugs bite- Out of the blue- Just my luck- As cute as a bug’s ear- Mad as a hornet- Cost an arm and a leg- Make a mountain out of amolehill- Lost his head- Cross my heart- Feel like a heel- Grin from ear to ear- My lips are sealed- You’re getting warm- Third time lucky- It’s raining cats and dogs- Hit the jackpot- More fun than a barrel ofmonkeys- Fair and square- Share and share alike