real gas 既物理問題...

2011-08-17 12:18 am
(1)想問下點解real gas 既p-v graph係high temperature 戈陣無論個pressure 幾大個graph都同ideal gas既一樣?..乜5係得high temperature+low pressure 既gas先最接近??
係中temperature戈陣係咪如果high pressure都會令到liquid formed???
(2)想問下點解polyatomic既ideal gas有vibrational ke..而monatomic係冇??

點解at critical temp...個做實驗 graph會同real 個graph一樣?


點解at critical temp...個做實驗 graph會同real gas(p-a^2/v)(v-nb)=nrt個graph一樣?

回答 (1)

2011-08-17 1:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Under high temperature and low pressure conditions, a real gas behaves like an ideal gas. There will be deivation from the ideal gas situation should the pressure increases to a level such that the separation between gas molecules is short enough for internmolecular force not to be neglected, and volume of gas molecules cannot be ingnored.

In order to liquidify a gas by increasing pressure, the temperature of the gas must not be higher than its critical temperature. Different gases have different critical temperatures.

2. Vibrational motion of a molecule is the oscillation between two atoms held by intermolecular force that their separation varies periodically with time. Monoatomic gas consists of only one atom in its molecule. There is no "separation" between the single atom in the molecule.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 17:44:48
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