
2011-08-16 10:34 pm

回答 (2)

2011-08-16 11:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
分詞 - participle
介詞 - preposition

Participle is a part of verbal (動詞的非謂語形式). The other parts are infinitive 不定式 and gerund 動名詞. There are present participle (e.g. eating, singing, playing) and past participle (e.g. eaten, sung, played).

A preposition describes a relationship between other words in a sentence.
There are about 60 prepositions in English, and these are the most common, in order of frequency. of, in, to, with, as, at, for, on, by, from. A preposition normally links part of the sentence ("the modified part") to a noun or noun phrase, which is called the object of the preposition.

modified part preposition object a joke about the weather snowed after Christmas arrived at their house

2011-08-17 5:11 am



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