Advice for moving to New England from Florida?

2011-08-15 4:10 pm
My husband and I are planning on moving to New England in a few months, most likely New Hampshire or North/East Mass. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, as I have visited a few times and know life in FL is a LOT different than life in NE. Thanks.

I'm looking for advice on which towns are best to live in, advice for dealing with winter weather, where good nightlife can be found, best places to raise a family, commuting options, etc...really any advise a native New Englander has would be beneficial.

回答 (6)

2011-08-15 9:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Are you sure you want to do that
It's freaking cold up here in New England. Most people from warm climates are turned off by New England winters before New Years Day. You might think the snow is pretty at first, but it gets old fast. Real fast. Bundling up everyday just to go outside for a few minutes is also a hassle, and shoveling snow is no fun. Seriously reconsider

New England is great in the summer, late spring and early fall, when most people visit. The rest of the year is COLD!

And learn how to drive in the snow. But if you insist on coming to New England then I will recommend you go to Nashua and Manchester NH. It is a nice area, you may also like Northampton or Amherst MA, they are in western MA, but really nice towns. I would recommend the Worcester area, but I don't want to share winter roads with people who don't know how to drive through it. The snow and ice are really slippery to drive through and you have to know what you are doing
參考: ..
2011-08-15 11:12 pm
I'm not sure what you're asking. Are you concerned about the New England weather? I don't know what you mean by 'a lot different'.
2011-08-19 2:30 pm
I live in Maine. Maine is not that diverse. Parts of Southern Maine are more diverse, like from Portland south. The coast is gorgeous, but tends to be more expensive because of all the vacationers in the summer. Boston area could be considered diverse, so could parts of New York. Generally speaking, the farther you get from a big city the less diversity you have. What do you mean by culture? If you want high quality music and art you’ll probably want to be within a few hours of a big city. Most small towns don’t have enough people to have arts communities. Rhode Island is nicely situated between Boston and New York City. Around Providence and Warwick there’s great shopping, and it’s right near the coast.
2011-08-15 11:47 pm
What kind of advice?
參考: Live in the seacoast region of NH. Send me an email if you have specific questions.
2011-08-15 11:16 pm
There are more seasonal change in New England. We have winter time here for about 4 months. But we have many winter activities like skiing and snowmobile. In the summer, the temperature is mild and tons of activities, like music festival, and outdoor concerts. The living standard is probably much higher. In MA, food and clothes have no tax and NH also has no sales tax. But the housing are very expensive, so is car insurance.
2011-08-15 11:12 pm
England is great <3 Star in Hertfordshire, it is the safest county in the country;)
參考: live there

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