幫手翻譯 ><" 急

2011-08-16 2:57 am
中譯英~有無人可以幫幫手? thx

1. 餐廳地面沒有明顯的積水及油漬2. 餐廳地面沒有明顯及過多的垃圾3. 餐枱沒有明顯的污積及垃圾4. 巡查過程中,沒有發現蟑螂以及老鼠5. 沒有發現蒼蠅或飛蟲等

回答 (8)

2011-08-16 9:50 am
✔ 最佳答案

1. 餐廳地面沒有明顯的積水及油漬

There were no apparent accumulation of water or spots of grease on the floor of the restaurant.
2. 餐廳地面沒有明顯及過多的垃圾 There was no obvious sight of any or too much rubbish on the floor of the restaurant. (a bit clumsy!)3. 餐枱沒有明顯的污積及垃圾 There were no apparent stains or rubbish on the dining tables. 4. 巡查過程中,沒有發現蟑螂以及老鼠 We did not find any cockroaches or mice during the inspection.5. 沒有發現蒼蠅或飛蟲等 No flies or flying insects were discovered.

2011-08-16 07:55:43 補充:
(2) There wasn't any obvious or too much rubbish on the floor of the restaurant.
(3) There weren't any apparent stains or rubblish on the dining tables.
2011-08-18 3:23 am
1.restaurant no obvious ground water and grease2. restaurant ground there is no obvious and too much junk3. meals no significant waste product of focus and refuse4. in an inspection, found a cockroach and rat5. no discovery flies or insects
2011-08-16 10:45 pm
1. 餐廳地面沒有明顯的積水及油漬
There is no obvious water mark or grease on the floor of the restaurant.
2. 餐廳地面沒有明顯及過多的垃圾
There is no excess rubbish on the floor of the restaurant3. 餐枱沒有明顯的污積及垃圾
Thers is no dirt or rubbish on the dining tables.4. 巡查過程中,沒有發現蟑螂以及老鼠
No cockroaches or rats are found during the inspection.5. 沒有發現蒼蠅或飛蟲等 No flies or insects are found too.
2011-08-16 7:51 pm
1 restaurant on the ground there is no obvious water and grease

2 restaurants on the ground there is no obvious and too much junk

3 dining table there is no obvious plot and garbage pollution

4 inspections, cockroaches and rats found no

5 found no flies or other insects
參考: me
2011-08-16 4:11 am
p.1 There is no obvious water and grease on the restaurant's ground.

p.2 There is no obvious and too much junk on the restaurant's ground.

p.3 There is no obvious dirt and rubbish accumulation on dining table.

p.4 There is no cockroaches and rats found in regular inspection.

p.5 Didnt found any flies or other insects etc.........

2011-08-16 3:30 am
1 restaurant on the ground there is no obvious water and grease

2 restaurants on the ground there is no obvious and too much junk

3 dining table there is no obvious plot and garbage pollution

4 inspections, cockroaches and rats found no

5 found no flies or other insects
2011-08-16 3:09 am
1.Restaurant on the ground there is no obvious water and grease

2.Restaurant on the ground there is no obvious and too much junk

3.Dining table and no obvious dirt and rubbish accumulation

4.Inspections, cockroaches and rats found no

5.Found no flies or other insects

I hope I can help you!=]
參考: Google 翻譯~
2011-08-16 3:05 am
p.1 Restaurant on the ground there is no obvious water and grease

p.2 Restaurant on the ground there is no obvious and too much junk

p.3 Dining table and no obvious dirt and rubbish accumulation

p.4 Inspections, cockroaches and rats found no

p.5 Found no flies or other insects

希望帮刀你。。。 >.<

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