✔ 最佳答案
1. Which elements above must exist to make a sentence?
答: "Subject"、"Verb" and "Object"
2. In what order are the elements above arranged in a sentence?
答: S+V+O , Subject + Verb + Object
For example: I like reading.
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Subject Verb Object
3. What do verbs (動詞) describe?
答: "Verbs" describes the action(s) what to do.
For example: I go to swim.
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4. How many verbs (動詞) can there be in a sentence (句子)?
答: There can be 2 verbs in a sentence.
For example: a) What do you eat? ("Do" and "eat" are verbs here)
b) I go to swim. ( "Go" and "swim" are verbs here)
5. What do adjectives (形容詞) describe?
答: "Adjectives" describes the noun(s).
For example: The game is great. ("great" describe "the game")
6. What do adverbs (副詞) describe?
答: "Adverbs" describe how to do the action.
For example: I walk slowly. (It means I walk very slow)