英文問題,, 困難的fill in the blanks

2011-08-15 8:56 pm
1.Once a week, the women go out for lunch as a sort of female bo____ time.(聯繫)

2.It's important to keep your re_______ al______(反應敏捷) when driving, because if you become sleepy, it's likely an accident will occur.

3. For some people, the only way to beat a drug addiction is to enter a de_____ (戒毒)programme where they are supervised 24 hours a day.

4.To encourage more co_________ sp___________, (公物意識)the town council decided to give awards to citizens who participated in community events.

5. While making sizable cutbacks in an attempt to k________ their company af__________, (渡過難關) the managers alienated much of their staff.

plx help me..thx

回答 (2)

2011-08-16 10:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Once a week, the women go out for lunch as a sort of female booze time. (聯繫)

2.It's important to keep your reaction alert (反應敏捷) when driving, because if you become sleepy, it's likely an accident will occur.

3. For some people, the only way to beat a drug addiction is to enter a detoxication (戒毒) programme where they are supervised 24 hours a day.

4.To encourage more conscious spirit, (公物意識) the town council decided to give awards to citizens who participated in community events.

5. While making sizable cutbacks in an attempt to keep their company afloat, (渡過難關) the managers alienated much of their staff.

I am not so sure about questions (1) and (4). I make that up, perhaps someone can help.
公物 = public property
2011-08-15 10:14 pm

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