awake / awaken

2011-08-15 12:40 am
awake與awaken 兩字在用法上怎樣分辨?

回答 (2)

2011-08-15 1:02 am
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awake can be a verb or an adjective. It is used to describe a state.
e.g. The baby was sleeping just now. But she is awake (adj) now.
(It means she is not sleepign right now.)

awaken is a verb.
e.g. You are making too much noise. You have awaken the baby.
(The baby is awake because of the noise.)

2011-08-15 7:48 am
'awake' can be used as an adjective (opposite to 'asleep') or a verb (to make someone wake up).
'awaken' is the past participle of 'awake'. It can be used as the passive voice.

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 19:46:16
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