panasonic電飯煲, 美國用, 唔知邊隻model好用

2011-08-14 8:50 am
大約煮3-5人份量既飯(希望美國有泰國米賣喇), 但唔知邊知MODEL好用, 我見SR-係列既煲好似唔錯~~仲有整蛋糕既function, 當然唔知效果好唔好喇!

價錢係hkd500 - 700呢個range度喇~~~唔知買唔買到呢個系列既電飯煲呢~?

為左方便, 我打算係網上購買~~大家覺得如何呢~?

回答 (2)

2011-08-16 6:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
美國有泰國米... I am sure you can find them if you are around SF, LA or NYC. The Chinese supermarket in US even has the brand as "Gold Elephant".

It's hard to say if it is even worth to bring your rice cooker all the way to US if you are near a large city. There are plenty of rice cooker to buy near large city in US. In US, my home is using a Zojirushi cooker (for USD 130) which I like its rice a lot better than my old Panasoni. Anyway, you may save a few by buying in HK, but it may like be the best thing you want to do if your baggage quote is near full.

2011-08-14 11:03 am

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